Saturday, May 30, 2009

Have you noticed how many calories you drink each day?

People who often watch their weight try to count the calories they consume on each meal, but do they really count the calories they drink?

During the last few years, Mexico’s Secretary of Health has brought together an expert committee who was in charge of developing the Beverage consumption recommendations for the Mexican population. These guidelines were made considering that the percentage of calories drank per day should not exceed 10% of the total calories consumed each day. For example, for someone consuming 2,300 calories each day, they should not drink more than 230 calories.

The issue with beverages is that it takes a long time before our body realize that it is satisfied and do not need to drink anymore. This all reflects in people who consume a lot of extra calories and gain weigh easily and fast! During these last few years Mexicans have increased the consumption of 100 to 300 calories per day only in beverages. This issue can be a factor to develop obesity and diabetes that is why everyone should be careful to count the calories they drink as well !!!

Beverage consumption recommendations for the Mexican population:
There are six levels in the classification of beverages ranged form the healthier (level 1) to least healthy (level 6):
Level 1: Water
Level 2: Skim or low fat milk and sugar free soy beverages
Level 3: Coffee and tea without sugar
Level 4: non-caloric beverages with artificial sweeteners
Level 5: Beverages with high caloric content and limited health benefits like fruit juices, whole milk, and fruit smoothies with sugar or honey.
Level 6: Beverages high in sugar and with low nutritional value like soft drinks, juices, flavored water (in Spanish: Aguas frescas), coffee and tea with sugar added.

So next time we are still deciding what to drink in a meeting, a family meal or just hanging out with our friends try to choose the healthiest choices. It is up to you to keep fit and healthy.

For more information:
Rivera, J; Rosas- Peralta, M et al. (2008) Consumo de bebidas para una vida saludable: recomendaciones para la población Mexicana. Centro de investigación en Nutrición y Salud, Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica. Cuernavaca, Morelos. México.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

4th Asia Pacific Nutrigenomics conference!!!!

Hello everyone, well it is my duty to inform you about this cool event that it is taking place in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand in february of 2010. It is taking place in the University of Auckland and it will address issues in basic research in nutrition, genetics, genomics, epigenetics, epigenomics, bioinformatics, molecular biology, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, the microbiome, gut physiology and immunology.

So basically it is addressed to a lot of people. If you are a scientist, nutritionist, dieticians gastroenterologist, nurse, food scientist, members of the food Industry from managers to technologists or food regulator this conference can be really interesting for you!

If you are interested in how food can affect your health this can be a great opportunity to do that.

For more information access Nutrigenomics organization New Zealand or access directly from the link located in the right column under the title "Upcomming events"
Take a look!